The Path

Robert Frost was born in San Francisco, but his family moved to Lawrence, Massachusetts, in 1884 following his father’s death. The move was actually a return, for Frost’s ancestors were originally New Englanders, and Frost became famous for his poetry’s engagement with New England locales. Posted By olubiyi Under EDIFYING. For we come into this world with emptiness, with sacred hearts. To judge not the world but to add fragrance to it. Call us at 713.252.4473 Store Hours: Mon-Fri 10am-9pm, Sat 10am-10pm, Sun 11:30am-8pm. The Path: Season 1 78% Critics Consensus: With strong performances, deep writing, and skilled direction, The Path offers an absorbing observation of the human condition, even if a rushed pace. The Path farms a total of 25 acres and uses pesticides-free methods plus hydroponics to grow seasonal fruits and vegetables year-round. Farming helps to improve recovery and provides food for the rescue mission. Take a tour or sign-up for our farm co-op!

PATH is an environmental variable in Linux and other Unix-likeoperating systems that tells the shell which directories to search for executable files (i.e., ready-to-run programs) in response to commands issued by a user. It increases both the convenience and the safety of such operating systems and is widely considered to be the single most important environmental variable.

Environmental variables are a class of variables (i.e., items whose values can be changed) that tell the shell how to behave as the user works at the command line (i.e., in a text-only mode) or with shell scripts (i.e., short programs written in a shell programming language). A shell is a program that provides the traditional, text-only user interface for Unix-like operating systems; its primary function is to read commands that are typed in at the command line and then execute (i.e., run) them.

PATH (which is written with all upper case letters) should not be confused with the term path (lower case letters). The latter is a file's or directory's address on a filesystem (i.e., the hierarchy of directories and files that is used to organize information stored on a computer). A relative path is an address relative to the current directory (i.e., the directory in which a user is currently working). An absolute path (also called a full path) is an address relative to the root directory (i.e., the directory at the very top of the filesystem and which contains all other directories and files).

A user's PATH consists of a series of colon-separated absolute paths that are stored in plain text files. Whenever a user types in a command at the command line that is not built into the shell or that does not include its absolute path and then presses the Enter key, the shell searches through those directories, which constitute the user's search path, until it finds an executable file with that name.

The concentrating by default of most executable files in just a few directories rather than spread all over the filesystem and the use of the PATH variable to find them eliminates the need for users to remember which directories they are in and to type their absolute path names. That is, any such program can be run by merely typing its name, such as ls instead of /bin/ls and head instead of /usr/bin/head, regardless of where the user is currently working on the filesystem. This also greatly reduces the possibility of damage to data or even to the system as a whole from the accidental running of a script that has the same name as a standard command.1

A list of all the current environmental variables and their values for the current user, including all the directories in the PATH variable, can be seen by running the env command without any options or arguments (i.e., input data), i.e.,


As there can be considerable output, it can be convenient to modify this command so that it displays just the PATH environmental variable and its value. This can be accomplished by using a pipe (represented by the vertical bar character) to transfer the output of env to the grepfilter and use PATH as an argument to grep, i.e.,

env | grep PATH

Another way to view the contents of just PATH alone is by using the echo command with $PATH as an argument:

echo $PATH

echo repeats on the display screen whatever follows it on the command line. The dollar sign immediately preceding PATH tells echo to repeat the value of the variable PATH rather than its name.

Each user on a system can have a different PATH variable. When an operating system is installed, one default PATH variable is created for the root (i.e., administrative) account and another default is created that will be applied to all ordinary user accounts as they are added to the system. The PATH variable for the root user contains more directories than for ordinary users because it includes directories, such as /sbin and /usr/sbin, that contain programs that are normally used only by that user.

PATH variables can be changed relatively easily. They can be changed just for the current login session, or they can be changed permanently (i.e., so that the changes will persist through future sessions).


It is a simple matter to add a directory to a user's PATH variable (and thereby add it to the user's default search path). It can be accomplished for the current session by using the following command, in which directory is the full path of the directory to be entered:


For example, to add the directory /usr/sbin, the following would be used:


An alternative is to employ the export command, which is used to change aspects of the environment. Thus, the above absolute path could be added with the following two commands in sequence

export PATH

or its single-line equivalent

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin

That the directory has been added can be easily confirmed by again using the echo command with $PATH as its argument.

An addition to a user's PATH variable can be made permanent by adding it to that user's .bash_profile file. .bash_profile is a hidden file in each user's home directory that defines any specific environmental variables and startup programs for that user. A hidden file is a file whose name begins with a dot (i.e., a period) and which is normally not visible; however, it can be seen by using the ls (i.e., list) command with its -a (i.e., all) option.

Thus, for example, to add a directory named /usr/test to a user's PATH variable, it should be appended with a text editor to the line that begins with PATH so that the line reads something like PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:/usr/test. It is important that each absolute path be directly (i.e., with no intervening spaces) preceded by a colon.

It is sometimes desired to run a script or program which has been installed in a user's home directory or some other location that is not in the user's default search path. Such script or program can, of course, be run by typing in its absolute path. But an often more convenient alternative when the script or program is in the current directory is to merely precede the command name with a dot slash (i.e., a dot followed by a forward slash and with no intervening spaces). The dot is used in paths to represent the current directory and the slash is used as a directory separator and to separate directory names from file names.

MS-DOS also uses a PATH variable. However, it differs from Unix-like operating systems in that it searches the user's current directory before it searches in any directories in that variable.

1An extreme example would be the situation in which an ordinary user created a shell script such as rm -r /, which would delete all files and directories in the system for which the user had writing permission, and named this script ls. Were the system administrator to navigate to the directory in which this script was located and attempt to run the standard ls command in order to view the contents of that directory, the shell would instead run the script with the same name and thereby remove the contents of all currently mountedpartitions on the computer!

The Path
Developer(s)Tale of Tales
Publisher(s)Tale of Tales
TransGaming (Mac OS X)[1]
1C Company[2]
Zoo Corporation[3]
Artist(s)Auriea Harvey
Michaël Samyn
Laura Raines Smith
Kris Force (Amber Asylum)[4]
Platform(s)Microsoft Windows
Mac OS X[1]
ReleaseMarch 18, 2009
May 7, 2009 (Mac OS X)[1]
Autumn 2009 (Polish)
December 11, 2009 (Russian)[5]
July 7, 2010 (Japanese)[6]
Genre(s)Psychological horror, art

The Path is a psychological horrorart game[7] developed by Tale of Tales originally released for the Microsoft Windowsoperating system on March 18, 2009 in English and Dutch, and later ported to Mac OS X by TransGaming Technologies.

It is inspired by several versions of the fairy taleLittle Red Riding Hood, and by folklore tropes and conventions in general, but set in contemporary times. The player can choose to control one of six different sisters, who are sent one-by-one on errands by their mother to see their sick grandmother. The player can choose whether to stay on the path or to wander, where wolves are lying in wait.[8]


A screenshot of the character Rose on the titular path, surrounded by the forest; the Girl in White can be seen in the distance

According to the developer, the game is not meant to be played in the traditional sense, in that there is no winning strategy. In fact, much of the gameplay requires the player to choose the losing path for the sisters to run into encounters which they (and the player) are meant to experience. Even the story narratives are not typical for a game, as explained by the developer, 'We are not story-tellers in the traditional sense of the word. In the sense that we know a story and we want to share it with you. Our work is more about exploring the narrative potential of a situation. We create only the situation. And the actual story emerges from playing, partially in the game, partially in the player’s mind.'[9]


The game begins in an apartment. The player is shown six sisters to choose from and is given no information about them other than a name. When the player selects a girl, the journey begins.

The player is given control of the girl, and is instructed: 'Go to Grandmother's house and stay on the path.'

The Path Bike Shop

As the player explores, they find various items scattered around. For a girl to pick up or examine an object, the player needs to either click on the interaction button or move her close enough for a superimposed image of the object to appear on the screen, then let go of the controls. The character will interact and an image will appear on the screen, indicating what has been unlocked; every item a girl encounters in the forest shows in some shape or form in Grandmother's house, and some objects open up whole new rooms. Small text will also appear, a thought from the current character. Some items can only be picked up once and do not appear in subsequent runs. However, each character will say something different about an object, so the player has the option to access a 'basket' to see what they have collected.

The Wolf is the antagonist in the game and takes on a different form for each girl. The forms represent tribulations that are associated with the stages of childhood and adolescence. It is not required to find the Wolf. In this game, there are no requirements but the ending at Grandmother's house does change dramatically after the wolf encounter. The girl encounters the Wolf, there is a brief cut scene, and the screen goes black. Afterward, the girl is lying on the path in front of Grandmother's house.

When the player enters Grandmother's house, the style of gameplay changes. It is now in first person, and the character moves forward along a pre-determined path. If the player got there without interacting with the Wolf, they arrive safely, cozy up next to Grandmother and are sent back to the apartment. The girl the player guided will still be there, and can be played again. If the player did go to the Wolf, then everything in the house is darker, and if the player remains still for too long, darkness clouds the screen, and something growls. Depending on the girl, doors are scratched, or furniture tipped over and broken, or strange black threads are draped across everything. Instead of ending with Grandmother, the music crescendos as the player enters a final surreal room before falling down, and things black out again. Images flash on the screen, featuring the girl being attacked by her Wolf, before the player is relocated back in the apartment. The girl played is not there, and will remain absent.

When all of the girls have encountered their wolves, a girl in a white dress, who could be previously encountered by the sisters, becomes playable and visits Grandmother's house. The girl will then travel through the house, now a combination of all of the end rooms of the previous girls ending with the no-wolf room. Upon reaching the grandmother, the girl appears in the apartment covered in blood, but alive. The sisters all return through the door and the game starts over.


The Path was announced on the Tale of Tales Game Design forum on March 16, 2006 under the working title 144,[10] on the pattern of their first-started, on-hiatus Tale of Tales 8 (chosen for the universal, language-independent nature of Arabic numerals).[11] This number originally referred to the six 24-hour periods of the six days in which the game was set,[12] but in the released version refers to the 144 coin flowers.


The Path was released on March 19, 2009.[13] It became available for Mac on May 7, 2009.[14]


Aggregate score
Review scores

Iain McCafferty of called The Path 'a hugely significant work in terms of what a video game can be beyond the realms of throwaway entertainment' and 'potentially a seminal moment in video games.' He claimed that 'It will be years before a game made by the big budget software houses like Ubisoft or EA is brave enough to attempt anything remotely similar, but The Path shows promising signs that gaming is starting to grow up.'[19]

Heather Chaplin of Filmmaker Magazine pointed out how uniquely feminine The Path is: 'For me, The Path is about what a remarkably fine line it is that separates childhood from adulthood, innocence from cynicism, and how utterly not black-and-white most things in life are.'[20]

Tim Martin of The Daily Telegraph cited The Path as a recent example of a 'vigorous experimentation with techniques of narrative.' He likened it to 'an Angela Carter novel, as siphoned through The Sims.'[21]

Justin McElroy of Engadget commented on gameplay mechanics: 'You get one instruction in the game and you have to disregard it. That's the kind of experience we're talking about here. Once you leave the path you'll find innumerable creepy yet beautifully rendered experiences to take part in, but you're never really given any guidance as what the point or object of all of it is. Basically, it's gameplay in the abstract.' [22] Mike Gust of Tap Repeatedly called The Path 'a sort of anti-game', 'a game turned inside out in service to something deeply personal, human and disturbing'.[23]

John Walker of RockPaperShotGun remarked 'I kind of don’t like the game' but noted that this 'is not a criticism. If anything, it’s the highest compliment I could pay it. While there’s spooky woods, abandoned playgrounds, creepy dolls, and many other familiar themes of horror, these offer no scares. For me, the horror comes from what appears to be the most abhorrently pessimistic presentation of adolescence.'[24]

Steven Poole of Edge opined that the game is 'a supremely boring collection of FMVs with pretensions to interactivity that very quickly wears out its joke about control and becomes a tedious slab of nihilistic whimsy,' yet noting that the game features a 'lugubrious, Lynchian surrealism' and that 'in its ornery and precious way, The Path is a triumph of atmosphere, coming much closer than the cruder shocks of games such as Silent Hill or BioShock to a dramatization of what Ernst Jentsch and Freud analyzed as the 'uncanny' in literature.'[25]


The Pathless Ps5

An in-progress, alpha-stage version of The Path was nominated for Excellence in Visual Arts after being exhibited at the Independent Games Festival in 2008.[26] The game also has been honored with two awards at Bilbao, Spain's hóPLAY International Video Game Festival. The game won Best Sound and Best Design.[27]


The Path Episodes

  1. ^ abcHarvey, Auriea (May 7, 2009). 'The Path for Mac is NOW available!'. The Path development blog. Tale of Tales. Retrieved September 24, 2011.
  2. ^Samyn, Michaël (2009-03-12). 'The Path to Russia'. Tale of Tales. Retrieved 2009-03-26.
  3. ^Samyn, Michaël (2009-06-24). 'Interview in Japanese'. Tale of Tales. Retrieved 2009-06-24.
  4. ^'The Path user manual'. pp. 4, 10, 15. Retrieved 2009-03-26.
  5. ^'Official Russian Web page'.
  6. ^
  7. ^Leigh Alexander. 'The Path For Art Games'. Kotaku.
  8. ^'The Path – a short horror game by Tale of Tales'. Tale of Tales. Retrieved 26 March 2009.
  9. ^Newheiser, Mark (7 April 2009). 'Michaël Samyn & Auriea Harvey interview'. Adventure Classic Gaming. Retrieved 2009-04-10.
  10. ^Samyn, Michaël (16 March 2006). '144 introduction'. Tale of Tales Game Design Forum. Retrieved 26 March 2009.
  11. ^Tale of Tales * 8
  12. ^Tale of Tales Game Design Forum ~ View topic - 144?
  13. ^Harvey, Auriea. 'The Path is available NOW!'. Retrieved 20 February 2016.
  14. ^Harvey, Auriea. 'The Path for Mac is NOW available!'. Retrieved 20 February 2016.
  15. ^
  16. ^VanOrd, Kevin (13 August 2009). 'The Path Review'. GameSpot. Retrieved 28 June 2010.
  17. ^Onyett, Charles (24 March 2009). 'The Path Review'. IGN. Retrieved 25 March 2009.
  18. ^McCafferty, Iain (23 March 2009). 'The Path Review for PC'. Pro-G Media. Archived from the original on 31 March 2012. Retrieved 24 March 2009.
  19. ^Iain McCafferty, 'The Path ReviewArchived 2012-03-31 at WebCite,' VideoGamer, 23 March 2009.
  20. ^Heather Chaplin, 'Heather Chaplin gets fully immersed into The Path.Archived 2012-03-06 at the Wayback Machine,' Filmmaker Magazine, Summer 2010.
  21. ^Tim Martin (8 May 2009). 'Endpaper: Fiction Reaches a New Level'. The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved 22 July 2017.
  22. ^Justin McElroy (19 March 2009). 'This is not a review for The Path'. Engadget. Retrieved 22 July 2017.
  23. ^Mike Gust (19 May 2009). 'Review: The Path'. Tap Repeatedly. Retrieved 22 July 2017.
  24. ^John Walker (11 March 2009). 'What Cruel Teeth You've Got: The Path Impressions'. Rock, Paper, Shotgun. Retrieved 22 July 2017.
  25. ^Steven Poole (20 August 2009). 'Into the Woods'. Trigger Happy. Archived from the original on 5 July 2010.
  26. ^'2008 Independent Games Festival Winners'. The 11th Annual Independent Games Festival. Think Services. 2008. Archived from the original on 3 March 2009. Retrieved 29 March 2009.
  27. ^'I Certamen Internacional de videojuegos hóPlay'. Alhondiga Bilbao. 2010.Cite journal requires |journal= (help)

The Path Season 4

External links[edit]

The Pathway

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