Majestic Nights Download Free

Conspiracy theory

Majestic Nights is an episodic action-adventure-thriller set in an alternate 1980s where all conspiracy theories, past and present, are True. You play as Cardholder: an intelligence operative who may or may not have been present at or even responsible for many of the biggest conspiracy events in history; and Cal, a humble Private Investigator whose own past is shrouded in secrets unknown even. Majestic Nights is an episodic action-adventure-thriller set in an alternate 1980s where all conspiracy theories, past and present are True. It’s the bright and brash 1980s; a world crammed with hidden intrigue and sinister plots, government cover-ups and alien sightings, CIA experiments and the.

Majestic Nights, developed by Epiphany Games, is an isometric-3D action-adventure set in an alternate, dystopian 1980s where every conspiracy theory – from Roswell to JFK – is true. Although only Episode One is currently out, it will eventually consist of six chapters, plus the free ‘Episode Zero’ which acts as a prologue and a playable demo.
In keeping with the conspiratorial theme, episodes are only tenuously connected. As you play, you build up a so called ‘Wall of Crazy,’ visible from the main menu, which shows the uncovered links between people, places, and projects. At this stage, it’s difficult to see what it’s all leading up to, but no doubt the next five episodes will add a great deal.
So is this a game worth looking into, or should it just be disappeared?


From the very start, you will notice that the dialogue scrolls past at a roaring pace. It’s a blizzard of codenames and jargon, with no option to pause conversations mid-flow, so good luck keeping up. The saving grace is that there’s a constant thread of humour in the responses available. At one point you break into your neighbour’s house and confront him while he’s sitting on the toilet. When he asks you what you want, one option is: ‘I’m your neighbour, and I missed you.’Majestic
Mostly, though, the writing puts such a heavy emphasis on the conspiracy theories that it forgets to build a plot. Every conversation name-drops agencies and secret projects just for the hell of it. It might interest someone well-versed in conspiracy theories, but the fact that it all goes unexplained means the average gamer will find themselves thoroughly confused throughout.
Even some way into the game, it’s not 100% clear what you are doing or why – you just follow objectives, and hope everything works out. When a game is meant to be so steeped in lore, it’s inexcusable that the story feels like a rushed afterthought. The game goes to great lengths to convince you that it’s dripping with intrigue and intricate plots, but utterly fails to deliver on anything more than the most superficial of levels.
That feeling of having been rushed pervades the whole game. It’s very obvious that Majestic Nights was developed for mobile first, the PC version bearing all the hallmarks of shoddy porting: low-resolution textures, an almost complete lack of options, and no manual saving. The menus even require you to click and swipe, mimicking a touch-screen, to scroll through lists. Apparently even the game isn’t certain which platform it’s running on, since it would randomly change on-screen prompts to show gamepad buttons instead of keys (I didn’t even have a pad plugged in).

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Majestic Nights Download Free Download

Once you get going, there’s a fairly even split between non-violent investigation sequences, stealth gameplay, and outright violence.
Investigation consists of exploring, finding the right people, and saying the right things to them. Conversations have branching dialogue trees, and it’s possible to open up new paths by asking the right questions, but important characters will only accept one set of responses. Getting it wrong will boot you out of the conversation, but there’s no game over; you can try again as if nothing happened. When the game won’t progress until you choose the ‘right’ answers, it becomes a pointless sequence of trial and error.
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Steam achievements

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select 'Community', 'My profile', 'View all my games', then the game and view stats.

    'Put some goddamn clothes on!': You killed the Underpants Warrior.
    'We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?': Use the radio to divert attention of guards.
    Air America: The CIA sold and exported drugs. It's pretty well known by now.
    Basement Dweller Extermination: You 'cleaned' all the Suits in the Basement.
    Blasphemy!: How could you not be a fan of Shatner? For shame.
    Callie's got a gun: You 'bought' a pistol in the bathroom.
    Cardholder's Past Achievements: 1: You heard about Cardholder's exploits.
    Cardholder's Past Achievements: 2: You heard some more about Cardholder's exploits.
    Cardholder's Wall of Crazy: You saw Cardholder's own Wall of Crazy. Yours is better.
    Cinephile: You looked at the posters. We love you.
    Don't spend it all in one place: You got the nickles from the cigarette machine, you tightass.
    Elevator Action: You took the elevator to the basement.
    Find Your Centre: You stood in the middle of your Zen Garden, because Zen.
    It's Not Paranoia...: You called your own office three times, you weirdo. Someone picked up.
    Jukebox Odd Docs: You played the weird soundbyte on the Jukebox.
    Low Blow: You hit Chuck where it counts.
    Media Relations: You smoothtalked your way into owning a crappy old notebook. Congrats?
    Media Unrelations: Way to piss off the informant, hero.
    Nancy Would Be Disappointed: You bought some drugs. Mrs Reagan would not approve.
    Passed it to the left hand side: Spoke to the Cowboy.
    Poor ol' Jerry: You learned about Jerry's miserable life.
    Push It To The Limit... LIMIT!: You won at Majestic Night-ing.
    Re-cheevo: You stood in the centre of the Zen Garden. Again. Why!?
    Rear Window: You saw the Suit leaving Piscine's.
    Rutabaga/Arugula: You messed with poor old Lloyd. Are you proud of yourself?
    Sneaky Bastard: You found the secret entrance to the Safe House.
    The Inspectinator: You inspected all of the things... in Beardsley's Office.
    The Truth Is In Here: You found the 3 'Biggest' pieces of Truth.
    The Wrong Goddamn Rec Room: You shouldn't have disturbed the lecturer - he really hates it.
    These belong in a museum!: You found the room with Cardholder and a strange artefact.
    When you gotta go...: Entered the outhouse. Haha... Poop joke.
    Where you're going, you don't need... Your things: You left your office without getting your stuff.
    You spent it all in one place: You gave the nickles to the bum.

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